Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lilyana's garden Tea Party

I was thinking of what games to play at the table . So I came up with BINGO. I wanted to make a tea party bingo , but again. I just didn't have the time.

This was suppose to be a Tea Pot cake, I just couldn't get around to it.

Getting her first bible

All together we had 5 girls (suppose to be 6)

Monday, June 20, 2011

What's in a name? That is the BIG ????

The big Question was , so do you have names picked out? AHHH NO! I've never been good
with names. It's something they will have for the rest of their lives. UGH! The pressure!!

After the baby was born knowing is was a girl, I thought about it and
I've always liked the name Ezra (Like in the bible)But would change the z for an s to make it more femanine, plus in the spanish bible it's with an s. Yes! It's a boys name ,but who cares. So is mine.

Coming home I found Thing 1 sitting beside me talking to the baby.
Hi Maya
Maya , You're so beautiful

Me: Who's Maya

Thing 1 : The baby

Me: Where did you get that name from?

Thing 1: I don't know , in my brain

Me: You must of heard it somewhere

Thing 1: God told it to me

Is that not the best thing you've ever heard!!!
OH MY!! What now? Should we name her Maya, now after we've named her Esra Maria?
I don't think we've even actually used the name Esra yet. When I speak to the kids , it's always baby sister
or the baby when I speak to my husband,
Should I use it as a nIckname or change it entirely??

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

NO ONE EVER believes me!!!

When I get into the conversation of not using diapers (NATURAL INFANT HYGIENE)
people never believe us. I've never posted up pictures ( not this young in age) or really made the effort to Show anyone that you could
actually communicate with them from birth. This process is called ELIMINATE COMMUNICATE. The process in which
you can start from birth and have your baby eliminate in something other then themselves.
Communicating is a big part of EC . No one will know your baby more then you. You are with your baby day and night.
As time goes by you will learn their own cues as they will learn yours. Associating words with a sound....PEE pssss
Ca ca....grrrr. You get the picture. Sounds silly ,but I promise you. It works!

Newborns are very smart and we need to know that WE CAN communicate from birth.
I've post some pics of Thing 4 going pee pee at 1wk 1/2 old. People will probably say I photoshopped it in.
I don't care. I'm not the one buying diapers.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Pool Vs. Waterslide

And the water slide WINS!! We purchased this LIttle tykes Rocky Mountain water slide @ toys r us
Luckily .... I truly mean LUCKILY! We saved about $200 on this slide . I was in water slide Heaven!!!

So this was definitely a no brainer. Goodbye pool, HELLLO Water Slide.

So now that I have 4 kids, I was wondering how I would ever survive going to the beach or the pool
by myself. I realized that I really didn't want to know the answer to that question.

I discussed with the hubby on how I would be able to have some summer fun with the kids, but at home.
We were looking at pools which were a lot cheaper then water slides.

After much research and thought, we decided on the water slide. I came to the conclusion that I would have to
be inside the pool with them at all times and that definitely wasn't going to happen with having a new born. Plus
worrying about someone getting outside and drowning and who knows what.
Peace of mind was worth the price! I can just sit outside or inside watching them from the sliding doors.

We've used it once so far. But I will definitely get back to everyone and leave a Review.
So far so good! Let's put it this way, even my husband was jumping around in that thing.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Thing 1 and Thing 2 holding Thing 4 for the first time. They were sooo excited!!

Our Midwife Rita AKA Jersey and our VERY PATIENT nurse Amber. Thank You both for all your help

encouragement with the birth of our daughter. We couldn't of asked for a better pair. But I have to say, if it weren't for the

totts. I don't know what we would have done. hahaha!

4am need to go to the restroom. OOH wait , do I?
Hmm. ok well let me do my business and see what happens.
Lay back down, OK I"M IN LABOR. Get my Ipod and start listening to some
soothing music and start doing my hypnobirthing.
5 something rolls around and the hubby wakes up.
Hubby "Hey Babe , you ok?"
Me "I'm ok , but I'm in labor"
Hubby " Are you sure"
Me" Are you kidding me , of course I'm sure"
Hubby" Get's up and doesn't know what to do"
Me" what's wrong with you? This is our 4th kid"
Well, with that being said. He fed all three kids, Dressed them , cleaned the
whole house and got me to the birth center which is an hour away in a half hour.
I was 7cent when I got there. About an hour later, I was definitely ready to push.
My midwife broke my water and 2hours later,Esra AKA Miyah was born.
I really thought it was going to be a boy, but deep down I knew it was a girl...I THINK!
SO,this is the end of a new begining.

Friday, June 3, 2011


I wish more people knew about Hypnobirthing. It's an amazing technique that let's you enjoy Birthing your baby.
This book is not only for hypnobirthers but also for woman looking to put their fears aside and know that Birthing
is and should always be a natural process.

Estimated Due Date! (EDD) What's that??


There are several reasons why your due date is only and estimation. To begin with, the selected date is usually calculated by

recalling the date of the first day of your last menstrual period ( which may not be accurate).

It's interesting to know that only 5% of babies arrive on their EDD.

I myself was given Three. I'm proof that estimates are not SOLID.
You need to be able to focus on the fact that the range is between thirty-eight and forty-two weeks.
Your EDD has no magical signifcance, and as long as your baby is strong and healthy and you are strong and healthy, don't allow yourself to be pressured into thinking that every day beyond the EDD is a precarious time.

For your baby's sake , resist the temptation to bring medical intervnetion to your pregnancy when you pass your GUESS DATE and certainly medical indictation.